Sunday, June 29, 2008
A New Baby
The Pixie took three steps today, I was holding her hands but she walked towards me instead of me being behind her. She must be very very close which means another rearrange of all the stuff in our house so she can't get to all of my 'precious' things. She also said a new word today...
bike (but she says ike), she said it whilst trying to get to a toy motorbike I have stashed away for her birthday. Children learn the words they hear the most, I don't know why I'm surprised she has picked that one up! She can also say duck and was shouting it out at the top of her voice today when we were down at the swamp feeding the ducks and some gorgeous black swans who had babies some bread. She's pretty good at making f sounds too so we are really hoping she doesn't put the two together and start saying a word she shouldn't be saying! She has picked up yes and no and ok and is using them all the time and getting a bit of an attitude. Again don't know why I am surprised!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
TenB, I'm Sorry.
Celery has finally gone into labour and we are just waiting now for the call to say the new baby in the family has arrived. We are very excited as no doubt Celery will be once the bloody horrific pain is over. God having the baby really sucks, it's lucky babies are so beautiful and wonderful and gorgeous to make it all worthwhile.
Had been doing well on the diet if not the exercise until last night when I was FORCED to take a block of chocolate over to the Lusty Librarian's house. We hadn't had a gossip in quite a while and her fiance, Mick the Snake Man, was having an op last night so we had several hours to chat and all women know the rules are that in those circumstances chocolate MUST be eaten. I mean it's the way to be a good friend right?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Her two front teeth
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Busy City
On sunday I went shopping. I love shopping. I could shop all day and all night. When I was five months pregnant we went to brisbane and I shopped all day with barely a break, I was tired but I only had one day to cover the whole of Chermside and it was the first time I had been there since it had been redone so what else was I to do! The pixie of course got spoilt, I bought her some cool first birthday presents at Toys-r-Us, she is so lucky. I didn't get her a fairy dress but I did manage to find a gorgeous gold singlet with pink fairy wings attached to the back, very cute. It matches her little pink tutu. She can fit into her size 0 clothes now so it opens up a whole new wardrobe for her. I love when she goes up a size and we get to do all new outfits. It sets off a whole new set of camera snapping. Speaking of the camera, it is not broken, only the memory card is stuffed! How great is that. I am thinking I will take it back to Hervey Norman and see if they will replace it, I only bought it in the time I've had the Pixie. Paranoid Fussy Mummy brought the Chubba Bubba with her who is three months old and has just stolen my heart. I told LHT the other day that if we only ever have girls I wouldn't care but Chubba makes me clucky for a boy. I want one!!!! He is so lovely and he was laughing at me when I was talking to him, full of smiles through his dummy which he decided in the end he was going to reject so he could talk. When PFM left he screamed all the way home, I like to think it is because he was missing me. lol Celery's baby got some t-shirts, one says, "Baby Bonus $$$" and the other one says, "I love boobies".
I keep telling Celery how important breastfeeding is and how it's not easy at first but really worth it, with all the health benefits for you and for your baby, etc etc etc. I know I am a breast feeding nazi but it really annoys me those people who say they couldn't breastfeed when really they just gave up because it got too hard for them. It is so rare that you couldn't breastfeed and we need a change in society to encourage women not to put their children on formula when breast is best. *Rant, Rave, Carry on, step down off soapbox*
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Land Cruiser is Back...
My not very old very expensive camera is broken. *sob* It takes photos, and then when you view them it says unidentifiable object and then they disappear forever. I have lost only a few photos but they were some really cute ones of SWHF's son in bunny ears and HHML's son in a helmet. Dam. I guess being dropped by me after a bottle of red is not the best thing to keep it going. I am hoping I take it to the camera shop and I have it on a crazy setting and that's why it won't work. Since I have no camera and I can't seem to download the pics from my new nokia there will be no pics for a bit. :( I'll take it to the camera shop tomorrow since Celery (LHTs baby sister) is due to have our new niece or nephew this weekend and it is Grandad's birthday. Looking forward to seeing the family it has been a few months. I hope the baby looks like me.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bruised Shin
Rang Julia Gulia this morning and told her I was on my way. We did the lap that the FM and I usually do and then celebrated with a cappacino. Did some good frothing today, skim milk makes very good foam. The Tugmaster had come over the other day when I was doing caps and I offered him one which he declined but LHT said yes, it took me about 25 minutes to finally get the cap out to LHT because I was stuffing around. He called this morning and as LHT was speaking to him I was doing my usual, "Ooh, he loves you, you're his boyfriend," etc etc which his wife, Anything He Can Do, I Can do Better and I love to do, he said, "Tell her to shut up and get the coffee on, it'll take her that long!" Which is true it did take me that long, but in my defence he was only about 10 minutes and I did do freshly ground coffee beans. After he drank it though he had to admit that it was pretty good and whilst I might be slow, it's worth the wait.
Anything He Can Do, I Can do Better (Ahcdicdb) is a nurse as well, she makes me laugh so much. We used to work together before I quit to be a sah mum and when The Tugmaster bought himself a DR650 it was them that put the pressure on me and persuaded me to buy one for LHT. The Tugmaster did the deal for me and so they have matching bikes, and remember G-Dog also has a matching bike. So the three of them are very cute together and us girls have made Brokeback Mountain jokes from the start. So when they all went away together for their first trip Ahcdicdb packed the Tugmaster KY jelly, suppositories, other bowel medication, all the necessities for a happy Brokeback weekend away.
Yesterday I did go down to the bike shop and LHT bought me some pink gloves, some pink goggles and a black and silver helmet, which I'm going to sand back and paint pink because they had some pink ones but not ones I really liked. They gave us a discount which shows you how often LHT is down there and how much he spends!! The finance lady there just loves the Pixie and she fussed over her until we left, she is lovely. I asked the bike shop guy if I could please have a helmet that matched LHT's so I could show up on my bike to where he is out riding with the boys and whine for him to wait, cry and then give him his lunch in a Barbie lunchbox, or perhaps just stand on the sidelines holding my bike making engine noises until he finally cracks and takes me home where I'll make him watch Oprah. Such a lucky man.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Look Mum, ALL my teeth!!
The Pixie was not keen on Mummy and Daddy having the helmet on. When one of us would put it on she would scream and cry until we took it off. She was whinging the whole time I was riding and then when I took the helmet off she was fine. I took the best photo of her crying, I'll put it up if I ever work out how to download from my new phone. I put the helmet on her and she was okay for a couple of seconds but then the tears started and I quickly put her out of her misery. HHML's son loved it though and did some cool motorbike man poses for us.
Went to the markets today to buy a fairy dress - no fairy dresses to be seen. I am concerned that not having a fairy dress with matching wings and a tutu might be damaging the Pixie psychologically. Luckily we will be in the big smoke next weekend and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get one down there before it's too late.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Too much curry
Took the Pixie to the library today. She is not very good at the quiet in the library rule. I think she must have decided it was too quiet and thought she should do something about it seeing as Mummy wasn't going to like she usually does. She was shrieking and squealing and calling out for her Daddy all the way around the library in her bright pink stroller. She thinks she is so cool. When we got outside and waiting for Daz to pick us she insisted on getting down and standing up next to me. I was worried about her feet getting cold since she had no shoes on and but she doesn't ever seem to worry. She's the most happy when she has no shoes on, no blankets or long pants and the windows open, just like her bloody father. I rug us up in the bed together and she kicks all the blankets off. I can only hope that our next baby will be more like me and let me be warm in bed instead.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Blog Counter.
Julia Gulia's youngest daughter is sick so she couldn't go walking with me today. The pixie and I went to the HHML's house and walked a lap of her neighbourhood complete with heaps of hills to ensure a burn in the calf and thighs. She said she hoped I wasn't embarrassed to walk with her in her tight pants... I couldn't be walking up the hills bent at a 45 degree angle pushing my pram, it was more her to be shamed by me. (Plus even my loose pants are tight!) It took an hour and I feel good for doing it, plus the afore mentioned guilt is gone so I can sleep easy tonight. We are heading down to one of the local gyms on friday to check out the creche there. I want to feel comfortable with not only the gym but the people who'll be looking after the pixie whilst I pretend I'm Olivia Newton John and get physical.
Did some great frothing with my coffee machine especially for the State of Origin. I hope Qld win this game because else the third game is even more boring than football is normally. I have just looked up and we are 12 - 0 so that's good. Plus if the blues win this season I really will never hear the end of it from LHT. Last year was the first year we have been together that Qld have won the season so I feel I'm due another win or I may have to stab him in the heart. Mind you he is really good to share chocolate with because he has less of a sweet tooth than me, so I guess it's better the devil you know huh.
TenB told me today I don't need a licence to ride in the bike parks. I said I knew but I wanted to ride to work to show it off. "All the time or just once to show it off?" she said. Oh very funny TenB, very funny. She also said I should paint it orange and black to get under LHT's skin, to say I got an orange and black bike before he did. Yes, I'll paint it the KTM colours and call it the beast, refer to it as my hog. I'll get a leather jacket, call myself a biker and start drinking at the Globe with my kin. I'll get myself an american flag bandana and a bitch to ride with gold tassels on her nipples on my luggage rack. Paris Hilton should be asking ME what's hot! Seriously though, pink with some custom made stickers should suit me just fine. Do you think I could get some fairy wings just for riding the bike in?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Photo one: The hot hot mullet lover does "Crazy cat lady"
Photo two: I love Richard Simmons
Photo three: the yoghurt the pixie picked up and dropped into the high chair.
We had a lovely play date today with the "Excess Sugar Mumma" and her little boy, Chomp. The pixie is accumulating lots of boyfriends! (Just like Mummy.) We did however eat some mud cake which made us feel sick but by golly by jingo by crikey it was good. I must try to remember though in the heat of the moment that eating wheat will only make me sick later! Sort of worth it. She made these coffees and did a great job of frothing the milk, that's my goal for tomorrow. The Pixie is partial to a babycino and I am a very indulgent mother!
Got a walking date tomorrow with Julia Gulia which is good because I have been slack so far this week. Didn't get out to ride my bike today because of the doomsday looking sky. I can see my motivation slipping away as it is now day 4 that I have not done anything. I wonder where it goes, is there a big room somewhere with all our lost motivation floating around in it? Do you think that's why some people are really enthusiatic, they know where to find that room! Maybe a little stalking of Anthony Robbins is in order to see where he goes late at night when he thinks no one is watching. I heart night vision goggles, they're your friend.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mummy gets a motorbike.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Another break in...
The Pixie had her swimming lesson today and her teacher had a tunnel in the pool for the kids to crawl through. The Pixie who can crawl as quick as can be to me on the toilet to stand and hang onto my knees while I pee, the Pixie who can crawl as quick as can be at the offer of a pink bowl or a spoon, the pixie who can crawl as quick as can be to touch all the things she shouldn't touch just sat there at the start of the tunnel and grinned at me. Eventually I just dragged her through! I felt better when the other kid in the class wouldn't crawl through either though.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Another Good Day.
Yesterday I shaved LHT's head and the pixie sat in the high chair and watched. Then she screamed at him all the way through her shower because we think she didn't know who he was without his hair. Once I gave him a kiss and showed her who he was she was okay again. Poor Minxie. As I shaved we were discussing how I have been practising whistling for several years now and you can actually recognise what I'm whistling now. LHT said that now I have got the cross eyes (took several years also) and the whistling "downpat" (I know I'm still pretty crap but for me you must admit I am vastly improved) he thinks I ought to learn to "hock a lugie". I am not entirely sure about that one but since the challenge has been laid I think I have to at least take it on. It is not however one I will pull out for parties or for my daughter like the others. I would like to learn to cartwheel - can anyone teach me this??
Happy Birthday to our fabulous, terrific and wonderful nephew.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Shoes
Girls love new shoes, it's no surprise to anyone. I bought a pair of NB shoes today from Athlete's foot for $220. I would have bought a pair of socks too but they were like thirty bucks and I just could not justify that for some socks!! I bought five pairs from the Reject Shop for $5 and I was pretty happy with that. The Gympmeister said if he couldn't get ten pairs for five bucks he was unhappy! Since I have the new shoes I thought I had better go for a walk to use them. LHT dropped me off at this park near home that has a circuit lots of people walk on and I did four circuits of it, which equates to approximately 9000 steps. (I counted the steps for one of them.) I feel really satisfied with what I have been doing lately. Tomorrow Daddy Saturday's wife "The hot hot mullet lover" (HHML) and I are meeting at the park and going to do the ten thousand steps walk the council have painted on the ground there. I love hanging out with HHML because she is a lot of fun but also because she noticed today that I have lost weight. She has no scales either because she understands that they just make you depressed to get on them!
Today is/was my Mum's birthday. She loved scorched almonds, we sent her off to heaven with a packet in her hand. Last year I bought them and ate them, this year I am really trying to lose weight. I did buy them and then I gave them away to a lady at the shopping centre. I said, "I'm not crazy or anything, it's just that I always give a bag of scorched almonds today but this year my Mum isn't here to get them so I wanted to give them to you and wish you a happy unbirthday in honour of my Mum." She gave me a hug and said it was from Mum, I of course had a tear in my eye, and I thanked her and walked away. It made me feel really good and I know Mum would have liked me doing that. She used to do stuff like that too. I miss her a lot.
The Pixie will not go to sleep tonight! She has been up since 10.30 this morning and seeing as it is now 8pm I really want her to go to sleep. She is crawling around the house chasing her father and giggling. She has just been showing off to Grumpy on the webcam so she thinks she is a bit of a superstar. I think maybe the espresso i had today is now running through my baby's veins as well! This is why boys and girls, the good Lord invented baby Panadol.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Heaven Sent
LHT is in the bathroom doing the taps as we speak, so I think RDO stands for Relishing Direct Obedience! Which I am, I am just so pleased he is doing the taps. He is not just doing the shower taps, but the bath and the basin as well. The basin ones don't fit so I have to go to Bunnings tomorrow for some new ones. That's a shame, you know how much I hate Bunnings, lol. You never know, it may turn out that the R stands for Rewarding but we really will have to see how he goes. I think that he might be doing them because of a conversation we had this morning.
"Hey Babe..."
"Yes dear..."
"You know the taps in the bathroom, how can I..."
(cutting me off) "You can't do them yourself."
"Why not?"
"Because you can't."
"Well how would I do it anyway?"
"Nails and glue." (This comes from a few years back when I maintained and still maintain that we could make some new dining room chairs from wood and hold them together with nails and glue. He of course disagrees.) Much laughing follows,
"So... will I call a plumber?"
"No dear! I'll do them later."
And due to various remarks about doing them myself I am getting them done. Lol It reminds me of this time at our old house when I wanted my gecko candle sconces put up in the dining room. He was just taking ages and my friend who bought the same, her hubby put hers up straight away. Finally I said, "That's okay, I'll put them up myself." (After about two months of waiting) I went into the dining room and grabbed the hammer and called out, "I can hammer screws into the wall can't I?" and started banging the hammer on the wall. Quick as a flash he was up and out of his seat and in the dining room assuring me that of course he would do it. You should have seen the look on his face when he thought I was hammering a screw into the wall, oh it was priceless!! A girl has to do what a girl has to do eh.
I also must admit that six days in a row was as far as I got, friday was a write off, worked on the weekend the days seemed to go so fast but I did get back into it today and I double my time on the bike but not the calories!! :(
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Raining Raining Raining
Speaking of which Julia Gulia's husband the Gympmeister said upon reading the blog, "I'm going to go and tell him to read the blog." Well so do I Mr, so do I and he doesn't so what can I do but continue to trick him. I am pestering at the moment for some new taps in the shower, which are sitting on the basin ready to be put in. The hot one is leaking and everytime I shower I burn myself (I know something new for me!) and we have had them for about two weeks now so it's time. I got my new shower head in about three days but I have not nagged as hard about the taps. Tomorrow I think he is having an RDO... so I'll see how I go tomorrow.