It was great to dress up - if you know me, you know I am a BIG fan of the dress up. I thought everyone went to such a great effort in getting dressed up and Julia Gulia really enjoyed her night. As you can see the Pixie looked suitably unimpressed about having the yellow afro wig popped on her head. LHT gets lucky with Julia Gulia and She who has flair. The next pic shows the dance floor with Julia Gulia, her S-I-L, the Fabjubity Muffin (in the cute red bow),me, and She who has flair (SWHF). Shortly after this there was some nutbush action going on but not for long... Nutbush and Banrock Station Crimson Cab do not go so well together. Lifts Heavy Things was looking hot of course in his pj's, tie, nanna hat, ossom possum bum bag and glasses, the ladies found him hard to resist. SWHF was enjoying the strawberry cocktails that were on offer.
So of course we had a bit to drink and I thought it was pretty lucky that I woke up feeling okay the next morning. The pixie had a birthday party to go to so off we went and as we went past the bike shop, I had a thought, I should wind LHT up.
I rang him and said, "Is your bike ready?" "What, I don't think so, the cables aren't in yet, " he says. "Oh, that's weird, I just saw somebody riding your bike, they were riding it pretty hard you know." "Hey? They don't need to ride it to test the cables, what the hell are they doing?" "I don't know but it was definately your bike, I recognised your number plate," I said. "I'll see if they ring me," he says.
He he he, so I have planted the seed. Then I rang the shop and said what I had told him. They were impressed. I said, "Let's wind him... very very tight." Then I called G-Dog and teed him up to make a big deal of it too and how they really shouldn't have been riding it at all. Lol, i am laughing as I type this, because as I have said, he doesn't read this so we can all enjoy laughing at my dear husband. Anyway, in the morning I am going to ring them again and let them know he is still believing that someone rode his bike and that he is just waiting for them to ring him. I am thinking that maybe I will get them to say it was in an accident or something, I'm not sure, I'll see what they think. Maybe I should even go down there. Oh I just love how well this is turning out.
Tomorrow night we are going to dinner with Saturday Daddy and I will organise for him to come over and I'll put some more things up by myself. (Just btw I DID put a bookshelf together by myself the other night, well almost, hell, he doesn't read it, ALL by myself.)
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