Thursday, May 29, 2008

How to avoid feeling guilty.

So today is day six and it's still early so I'm not piking on my exercise, there's FNL on BB tonight to watch whilst I ride, and ride I must because I have fallen off the wagon today. I ate a burger which is bad for two reasons, the calories it contains and the bread which will make me sick. Now I feel sick and guilty and I think I have finally had another breakthrough in understanding how to not be fat anymore. If I eat crap I feel guilty, if I eat well, I feel good... it sounds so simple but anyone who has weight problems is more than aware it's not. It really is a mind set you need to be in order to lose weight. Usually what happens is I eat crap, feel guilty and then eat more crap because I feel bad and then I feel even worse and so it goes. Lesson learnt today. No more crap because it makes me feel bad and since I only get one go I am going to live doing things that make me feel good (or bad as the case at the time may be, he he he).

The Pixie is covered in a rash. The chemist says that it's an allergic reaction but I still think I will take her to the Dr tomorrow. It would be the public holiday when our Dr is closed that she comes out in a rash. At our swimming lesson, one of the other mums said her daughter had had something similar last week. The only thing she had yesterday she has never had before is a jar of Rogan Josh - if she is allergic to curry I am not sure what I will do with her!! I may need to swap her for another one!! (Yeah right as if I'm ever giving her away!) She has had some Polaramine and now she is very quiet and snuggly and cuddly. Maybe I will give her a daily dose!! I have to go and snuggle with her now because she loves me the best.

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