(Here are a few more pics from the reject party, She who has flair's husband, Not so Bright, NSB and Julia Gulia and one of the boys from work with G-Dog (middle) and LHT.)
Ah, I have been away from you too long, I know. I have had a busy week. I am sorry. One night last week I was laying on my bed with the Pixie and I fell asleep, till LHT came in at about half ten and then I woke up for a bit once he went to sleep. Quite romantic isn't it. Well the jig is up about the bike. The guy from the bike shop rang him to tell him when his bike would be ready and said, "If you hear any rumours around town that I've been riding your bike, it's true, I took it to 130." Which LHT didn't believe, and he said, "What have you done to my bike Shazza?" I said nothing... and admitted I had set him up. It was revealed about 15 minutes after our friends TenB and the KTM owner sent through as message saying how mean I was. The KTM owner said, "If TenB said someone was riding my bike, I'd be straight down there." To which I replied that I was surprised that he hadn't, I think he had been suspicious all along. The KTM owner said that it is one thing to joke about a shelf, but a whole other thing to joke about a man's bike. Well... I guess you're right but that could be because you actually own a KTM whilst it is just LHT's dream. The money box continues to get heavier by the way, so the dream must become a reality one day. Made him an orange and black cake yesterday just to tease him... KTM cake I call it. I have always loved to play with the food colour.
So the bike shop called LHT the next day and said that when they had taken it out they had done some damage to the front end, bless them, they don't know of course that he knows now, so LHT played a trick on them. He screamed down the phone, "I'm coming down there!" And then hung up, they called him back, he ignored it until the fifth time they tried, and then answered with, "Have you cleaned my bike?" Ha I love it. I think they are such good sports for playing along.
On wednesday I decided to call a locksmith to get some keys cut for our front door because we have had none for the time we have lived here. They said to me, 'Is it urgent?" I said, "No, we've been here 14 months I can wait till friday." Thursday morning arrives and LHT comes in to say goodbye and tell me that back door is broken. The knob has finally broken and we cannot get out the back door. Thus, I have no keys for the front door and a back door that will not open so I cannot leave the house as if I lock it I will have no way of getting back in. (Unless I call the FM to come and jump through the window again of course.) Swimming lessons cancelled again, we call the locksmith, explain why we need them today and not friday. At half past four, they finally arrived, I was in a panic because we had to go to foster training at ten past five. We got going at quarter past with keys to the front door and matching keys to the front and back screens. Hooray, finally! The locksmith came back on friday morning to fix up the front screen door which he had had problems getting to close properly. The screen works, it locks, awesome. The front door stays open all day, last night hubby realises the wooden door only appears to lock and does not in fact lock at all. You could push it open from the outside. Consequently the locksmith was back again today and the front door is fixed. Bunnings tomorrow to buy a new back door and the locksmith will be back on monday to fit a new lock to it. So we should be totally secure then.
Walked today and rode exercise bike as well. No weight loss but I think my fitness is improving. Routine is the key and this week I am working on getting into a good one. I would really like one of those things the contestants on biggest loser had that counts how many calories you burn up each day, I wonder where you get one from.
I am off to finish watching I am Legend which seems a bit spinny but pretty good at the same time.
Is it a pedometer? Remo have some cool ones.
I am not sure, it would be good if it counted my steps and my calories burnt.
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