Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weight loss!

Ah, I feel inspired! I have lost a kilo, fabulous. It is great. But there are so many more to go and sometimes the road ahead seems like it will never ever end. My brother gave me some Hi-5 dance videos that show you how to dance along - the kid was killing herself laughing at her silly mummy dancing around today. Thanks Boy, they're great! It's a bit of a joke in the family how bad I am at dancing so maybe I can pick up some moves to use if I ever go somewhere and need to dance. Maybe I can get really good and I'll be the person in the middle of the circle - not likely. I'm pretty uncoordinated and two left feetish. I am not that crash hot on the old aerobics either, the grapevine escaped me at first. I have to go and read my new cookbook to pick out a dish for lunch tomorrow, I have some friends coming over for lunch and I am going to try out a vego dish on them.

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