Sunday, April 27, 2008
Telephone shelf
Also just to let you all know that my phone is NOT on a shelf and the hubby did go on his ride. He is going to do it today whilst I am work - yeah right.
Daddy and the box of Farex.
This morning my lovely loving husband got up and let me sleep in. He really is such a sweetie. He gave her breakfast, did her teeth, got her dressed and then he took the pixie out to look at 'insert boring daddy crap here'. When they got home we were talking about what she had had for breakfast. Daddy said, "Oh yeah, I just gave her some cereal," Now we have 4 unopened packets of baby cereal in our cupboard of all different types, so I asked which one he had chosen. "No, there's a box of farex open in the cupboard," he says. "No," I say, "there's not." "Yeah, there is," he says. "No," I said, "There's a box of banana custard open." "Oh," says Daddy. Yes folks, he gave my daughter banana custard for breakfast! No wonder she said Daddy first! Here I am stressing over what to feed her, do I give her too many carbs, does she get enough iron, enough variety for a wide range of vitamins and minerals, enough dairy for healthy bones etc etc etc and Daddy gives her custard for breakfast! I mean my God, I know reading is not his strong point... but he watched me give her custard from the very same box last night! She has slept this morning but I am surprised she did!! I have to go to work this afternoon so goodness only knows what the pixie will have for dinner! Lucky I only work once a fortnight eh!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Arms like Chicken Legs.

Last night we had some friends over for dinner and I did a little bit of dressing up for everyone's amusement. My friend took some pics of me and I always knew I had big arms but I did not know they look like chicken legs. Somehow, that's not quite right. She said, "Is this the straw?" I said, "yes." So on monday we are going back to our walks three times a week and we are going in the evening rather than the morning and even though I have a new pram the wheels do not fall off, I will leave the Pixie at home with Daddy.
Have not overeaten in five days now, feel great, really making a difference to how I feel. I have not consciously been overeating but I always feel really full so I have been giving myself smaller portions and really concentrating on if I am hungry before I eat. Sounds so easy but not having ever really lived like this it is a whole new world to me. Plus I have been staying far away from wheat which I was so good at before I had the baby but whilst I was pregnant I felt crap anyway wheat or no wheat so I ate it anyway. (Irritates my belly.)
I bought myself a new nightie yesterday. I went in and asked for a 20, way too big, the 18 - still too big... Yes, I am sitting her typing this to you in a size 16 nightie - how awesome is that! I'm not sure it's entirely justified but I'll take it nonetheless. I might never take this off unless of course it falls off and I can just step into the 14. Can't wait to start walking next week to really get involved in some weight falling off this frame. Definately want to get down a few kilos because I am very clucky still and I would love to fall pregnant again. I really want to avoid getting gestational diabetes again too so I have to be careful.
The hubby is off shortly on a Brokeback DR 650 lovers trip with his boyfriend G-Dog. Us girls always say the boys are in love with each other because it's kinda cute that they bought matching bikes. I did choose Hub's bike for him I know but it's still all cute and girly - you can see that right? So I have told him there will be no trip unless he puts the phone up on a shelf before he goes, right now though he is outside working on the bike - AGAIN! I think I will go and hide his keys so I definately get my shelf up! I'll let you know how it goes.
Have not overeaten in five days now, feel great, really making a difference to how I feel. I have not consciously been overeating but I always feel really full so I have been giving myself smaller portions and really concentrating on if I am hungry before I eat. Sounds so easy but not having ever really lived like this it is a whole new world to me. Plus I have been staying far away from wheat which I was so good at before I had the baby but whilst I was pregnant I felt crap anyway wheat or no wheat so I ate it anyway. (Irritates my belly.)
I bought myself a new nightie yesterday. I went in and asked for a 20, way too big, the 18 - still too big... Yes, I am sitting her typing this to you in a size 16 nightie - how awesome is that! I'm not sure it's entirely justified but I'll take it nonetheless. I might never take this off unless of course it falls off and I can just step into the 14. Can't wait to start walking next week to really get involved in some weight falling off this frame. Definately want to get down a few kilos because I am very clucky still and I would love to fall pregnant again. I really want to avoid getting gestational diabetes again too so I have to be careful.
The hubby is off shortly on a Brokeback DR 650 lovers trip with his boyfriend G-Dog. Us girls always say the boys are in love with each other because it's kinda cute that they bought matching bikes. I did choose Hub's bike for him I know but it's still all cute and girly - you can see that right? So I have told him there will be no trip unless he puts the phone up on a shelf before he goes, right now though he is outside working on the bike - AGAIN! I think I will go and hide his keys so I definately get my shelf up! I'll let you know how it goes.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Peeing on a stick.
Peed on a stick today - three times. The first test was positive - confirmed by one of the other mums at playgroup so I know I'm not mad. The next two were negative. I'm going with not pregnant because I was obviously suspicious of the first test to even feel I should do another one. It was one of those ones where you have to pee in the cup and then dip the stick into your pee and I just wanted one where you pee on the stick like I had when I tested for the kid. It was exciting to be pregnant for a few hours, the possibilites of enlarging our family were running through my mind and I was only excited. There was no negative feelings at all which is good because I was wondering how I would feel. Well... only one, my weight, I would hate to fall pregnant at this weight, put more on and then have to try and battle my way down from like the very probable 120 odd kilos I would probably become. Plus how do I run around after two kids being so unhealthy.
Actually I am feeling very healthy the last few days. We have been having lots of vegies and I have not overeaten and felt stuffed. I have stayed away from wheat so I'm not bloated AND I have been exercising. Had to take some panadol last night because my thighs were so sore from being on my bike - that's got to be a good thing. My new goal is to sleep with Bob, Shannon and the Commando (Biggest Loser) all at once so I will need to be superfit and healthy and look really sexy. Hubby says it's fine for me to do this as long as he can either go fishing or go out on his bike. I said if I ever got the chance to do those boys he would have enough time to do both and then some before I would be done! Sore thighs would be the last thing on my mind!
Also have to keep growing my hair because none of them will want to sleep (*wink* not much sleeping going on) with me whilst my hair is so bad. It is ALMOST there, it has been sitting quite nicely one day out of three now and most nights when I am about to get into bed and have nowhere to go and nobody is looking at me it looks shit hot. If I can only transfer that to the day time I'll be back on!
Actually I am feeling very healthy the last few days. We have been having lots of vegies and I have not overeaten and felt stuffed. I have stayed away from wheat so I'm not bloated AND I have been exercising. Had to take some panadol last night because my thighs were so sore from being on my bike - that's got to be a good thing. My new goal is to sleep with Bob, Shannon and the Commando (Biggest Loser) all at once so I will need to be superfit and healthy and look really sexy. Hubby says it's fine for me to do this as long as he can either go fishing or go out on his bike. I said if I ever got the chance to do those boys he would have enough time to do both and then some before I would be done! Sore thighs would be the last thing on my mind!
Also have to keep growing my hair because none of them will want to sleep (*wink* not much sleeping going on) with me whilst my hair is so bad. It is ALMOST there, it has been sitting quite nicely one day out of three now and most nights when I am about to get into bed and have nowhere to go and nobody is looking at me it looks shit hot. If I can only transfer that to the day time I'll be back on!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I decided today that i could be lazy no more and I have been on my bike and I feel so much better having done it. I always feel better once I have exercised so it's good to have done it. I also washed the car today, and vacuumed it and I was going to scrub the carpet until it started to rain, packed the kid up and came inside only for it not to rain but look like it would all afternoon!
Daz has had his motorbike in bits around the house for weeks now, today he finally got it back on the road. I hope this means an end to finding things soaking in buckets and special presents around the house. It does not however mean an end to dirty motorbike boots, smelly socks and mud all around the house. The Pixie has four sets of 36 tiles that go on our lounge room floor, last week I washed them all by hand, today Pete walked his stupid dirty boots over them and they are filthy again. Tomorrow I am going to Godfrey's to buy a steam mop and a small vacuum cleaner to try to stop the child from finding the tiniest particles of god knows what on the floor and putting it in her mouth, and also to steam mop hubby and clean him up a bit.
The Pixie crawled to the front door today and I think she would have gone out if I hadn't grabbed her. We really need to get that rail up. She also crawled under the coffee table to get the phone cords so tomorrow Dazza has been instructed to put a shelf up and that's going up. Ah children, so rewarding, so much time. I love that she is into everything now, so curious and learning so much. It is also good for me to have to run around after her and it is good inspiration to keep the house nice and clean. I've been really enjoying shopping and getting things for the house to tidy it up and make it more baby friendly. She is also sitting in the bath by herself now. She has been crawling around the bath lapping up the bath water and blowing bubbles in it, very funny little girl.
Daz has had his motorbike in bits around the house for weeks now, today he finally got it back on the road. I hope this means an end to finding things soaking in buckets and special presents around the house. It does not however mean an end to dirty motorbike boots, smelly socks and mud all around the house. The Pixie has four sets of 36 tiles that go on our lounge room floor, last week I washed them all by hand, today Pete walked his stupid dirty boots over them and they are filthy again. Tomorrow I am going to Godfrey's to buy a steam mop and a small vacuum cleaner to try to stop the child from finding the tiniest particles of god knows what on the floor and putting it in her mouth, and also to steam mop hubby and clean him up a bit.
The Pixie crawled to the front door today and I think she would have gone out if I hadn't grabbed her. We really need to get that rail up. She also crawled under the coffee table to get the phone cords so tomorrow Dazza has been instructed to put a shelf up and that's going up. Ah children, so rewarding, so much time. I love that she is into everything now, so curious and learning so much. It is also good for me to have to run around after her and it is good inspiration to keep the house nice and clean. I've been really enjoying shopping and getting things for the house to tidy it up and make it more baby friendly. She is also sitting in the bath by herself now. She has been crawling around the bath lapping up the bath water and blowing bubbles in it, very funny little girl.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I don't do sick. I'm a nurse, I look after other people when they're sick, but I don't do sick. I hate it, I hate not being able to breathe, I hate the snotty nose, I hate the sore throat, I hate the head ache. I'm a man when I'm sick. I'm the sickest person on earth. I whinge, really I do, I do classic whinging noises until I get some attention. I don't care if you've got a rare form of african virus, I have a cold and I am therefore sicker than you. The most exercis I've done today is to raise my head from the pillow. I think I'll stay fat forever at this rate.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Weight loss!
Ah, I feel inspired! I have lost a kilo, fabulous. It is great. But there are so many more to go and sometimes the road ahead seems like it will never ever end. My brother gave me some Hi-5 dance videos that show you how to dance along - the kid was killing herself laughing at her silly mummy dancing around today. Thanks Boy, they're great! It's a bit of a joke in the family how bad I am at dancing so maybe I can pick up some moves to use if I ever go somewhere and need to dance. Maybe I can get really good and I'll be the person in the middle of the circle - not likely. I'm pretty uncoordinated and two left feetish. I am not that crash hot on the old aerobics either, the grapevine escaped me at first. I have to go and read my new cookbook to pick out a dish for lunch tomorrow, I have some friends coming over for lunch and I am going to try out a vego dish on them.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The new picture
The new photo on the blog is me when I'm about 2. I think Pixie looks like me, but I've seen pics of her Daddy too and she does look like him too. Not sure which is worse. I think I'm pretty cute.
Weighed down by...
Well dammed if I know! I've had 3 different people tell me recently that I look like I'm slimming down a bit - so today I had my first shift for two weeks and I weighed myself on the old faithful nursing home weigh chair that I've been periodically checking my weight on for two ish years. I have put on 1.15 kg since the last weigh!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Okay this is really bad news. Hubby says it probably doesn't mean anything but I'm not so sure. My body is obviously unhappy - my hands are quite bad at the moment. I have been trying so hard to eat healthy. All the chocolate is gone from the house now, mind you that does explain the weight gain over Easter - d'oh!
Yesterday I moved some old wood and raked all the leaves and crap up from my garden that I'm making. It's a long way off yet but we got a skip bin in today so I'm keen to weed it all and dig up all the old soil. It's hard going cause like I said my hands are really sore at the moment. (Actually they feel a bit hot so they are probably infected - ew! Must see the Dr bout that. I am just going to try some aloe vera gel on them that worked really well last time.) Anyway, then I weeded and pruned as well so i think that all counts for good physical activity - not exercise but good activity. Today I moved our crappy old mattress and the crappy old futon mattress and threw them into the skip bin, a bit more pruning and some mopping and other bits and pieces of housework. ( How much does housework suck!) Then I went to work - so again good physical activity. (Left boob really needs baby to wake up and feed - can't find pump and baby very good at sleeping through now... Hubby reluctant to help out - maybe if I put some salami round the nipple first? )
I have been trying to focus on doing stuff so that I'm not just stationary. I've never been keen on exercise or sport or anything. Especially sport - I hate sport. With a passion. I hate all kinds of sport. I don't mind having a hit at backyard cricket or a spot of ping pong or even a dip in the pool but sport as such in my humble opinion, sucks. I hated every school sports day, I hate running, I hate athletics, I hate gymnastics (doing it, love watching it - very clever), I hate football, cricket, basketball, particular passionate hate for netball, all of them, I hate them all. I accidentally got into the vigoro team once, for one semester of year 11 I had to play it. Hmm, play, is that what you call it when they bowl to you, you shut your eyes, squeal and blindly strike with the bat and hope for the best, start running only to find you knocked one of the fielders out with the bat. Oops. Ok only joking bout the fielder but the rest is true. In the end it turned out okay for me because then I got to choose what i wanted to do for the rest of my senior - which was go ice skating because my neighbour worked there and he was cute and had cute friends too - mmm eye candy. The other day I remarked to Hubby about my sporting ability, he looked at me and said, "I don't think we coud call it ability could we? Disability maybe, but the last thing you are my darling is able at sports." Then he laughed and laughed and laughed and walked away laughing, saying, "ability!" I guess that sums up how just exactly like Sporty Spice I am. I wish playing the Sims counted as exercise.
Yesterday I moved some old wood and raked all the leaves and crap up from my garden that I'm making. It's a long way off yet but we got a skip bin in today so I'm keen to weed it all and dig up all the old soil. It's hard going cause like I said my hands are really sore at the moment. (Actually they feel a bit hot so they are probably infected - ew! Must see the Dr bout that. I am just going to try some aloe vera gel on them that worked really well last time.) Anyway, then I weeded and pruned as well so i think that all counts for good physical activity - not exercise but good activity. Today I moved our crappy old mattress and the crappy old futon mattress and threw them into the skip bin, a bit more pruning and some mopping and other bits and pieces of housework. ( How much does housework suck!) Then I went to work - so again good physical activity. (Left boob really needs baby to wake up and feed - can't find pump and baby very good at sleeping through now... Hubby reluctant to help out - maybe if I put some salami round the nipple first? )
I have been trying to focus on doing stuff so that I'm not just stationary. I've never been keen on exercise or sport or anything. Especially sport - I hate sport. With a passion. I hate all kinds of sport. I don't mind having a hit at backyard cricket or a spot of ping pong or even a dip in the pool but sport as such in my humble opinion, sucks. I hated every school sports day, I hate running, I hate athletics, I hate gymnastics (doing it, love watching it - very clever), I hate football, cricket, basketball, particular passionate hate for netball, all of them, I hate them all. I accidentally got into the vigoro team once, for one semester of year 11 I had to play it. Hmm, play, is that what you call it when they bowl to you, you shut your eyes, squeal and blindly strike with the bat and hope for the best, start running only to find you knocked one of the fielders out with the bat. Oops. Ok only joking bout the fielder but the rest is true. In the end it turned out okay for me because then I got to choose what i wanted to do for the rest of my senior - which was go ice skating because my neighbour worked there and he was cute and had cute friends too - mmm eye candy. The other day I remarked to Hubby about my sporting ability, he looked at me and said, "I don't think we coud call it ability could we? Disability maybe, but the last thing you are my darling is able at sports." Then he laughed and laughed and laughed and walked away laughing, saying, "ability!" I guess that sums up how just exactly like Sporty Spice I am. I wish playing the Sims counted as exercise.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Carpet Burn
So the kid fell off the bed yesterday, or should I say her father flicked her off the bed when he was pulling up the blanket. Poor baby. She is such a survivor! She has carpet burn on her nose and she is really miserable with it. I have been giving her panadol and putting cream on it but she hits it and gets the cream in her eyes too. She has been a demon baby for the last two days and absolutely refusing to go to sleep - so much for concussion eh! I don't think she got one - whatever the opposite of that is, is what happened to Pixie. I was relieved that Daddy has finally done something to her and proved he is a human being because you know the whole, "locking the kid in the car" thing and she fell off the bed one other time.
Bought some MP3 players today, not IPod's because the last thing we are is trendy. Plus I was a bit tight to pay for them. I also bought a portable dvd player for the car to put Wiggles or Hi-5 dvd's on to keep the child amused. Last time we went to Brisbane she nearly died of boredom in the car and was miserable for nearly the whole trip. I am hoping the singing etc will keep her occupied and make the trip a bit better for her. It has a remote control so I can just flick it off once (if - lol) she falls asleep. I think her father might sit in the back with her although I think in that case there might be a dirt bike demo on the screen rather than any child friendly amusement. And the Sims - love the Sims.
Big day tomorrow - the garden is getting started. This means the house renovation begins. We are painting, putting a toilet and shower in our shed, fences and gardens. It's going to look great. I must take some photos to do before and after scrap pages.
Bought some MP3 players today, not IPod's because the last thing we are is trendy. Plus I was a bit tight to pay for them. I also bought a portable dvd player for the car to put Wiggles or Hi-5 dvd's on to keep the child amused. Last time we went to Brisbane she nearly died of boredom in the car and was miserable for nearly the whole trip. I am hoping the singing etc will keep her occupied and make the trip a bit better for her. It has a remote control so I can just flick it off once (if - lol) she falls asleep. I think her father might sit in the back with her although I think in that case there might be a dirt bike demo on the screen rather than any child friendly amusement. And the Sims - love the Sims.
Big day tomorrow - the garden is getting started. This means the house renovation begins. We are painting, putting a toilet and shower in our shed, fences and gardens. It's going to look great. I must take some photos to do before and after scrap pages.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Vegetarian Cooking = Unhappy Husband
So... we had our first vegetarian day today. Well, we did have some meat with dinner, which is about as vegetarian as I can get hubby at this point in time. Not that I want to give up meat - I love meat - especially pork. MMM, pork. Yum. Anyway... We had kidney beans in a mexican type sauce - a take off of Tex Mex that LHT loves but he was pretty horrified that I wasn't putting meat into it but ate it just the same, on toast with avocado. I know he would have preferred meat but we are trying to be healthy. We had lavash bread pizza with pumpkin, olives and feta for lunch. Very nice. The Pixie Girl had pumpkin and couscous for dinner. She laughed a lot at the word couscous.
My brother and his gf have sent me some veg cookbooks - they eat veg. The dishes look so good and so I am planning a shopping list to try a few things out. I have been reading them in the car today and ignorning LHT so he is really getting worried about his meat intake. He looks positively pale when I say that there is not going to be meat with dinner tonight. Ah, to be quite honest, it makes me laugh. His pain is my pleasure - always has been, always will be. That's what I love about our marriage. The other thing I love about him is that no matter what I put down in front of him he always eats it and enjoys it. Therefore, whilst he complains and whinges he also acknowledges the health benefits of eating more vegies and legumes and stuff like that. It's not like I'm not going to give him meat, but telling him I'm not is funny to watch. One mention of it is enough to send him off to the freezer to defrost a steak and cook it up - medium rare. Not me, no blood or I just can't do it. After the steak he might get out a roast and pop that in the oven whilst he cooks up a few snags to munch on in the meantime, quickly making a ham sandwich as the snags sizzle away, grabbing a slice of salami as he makes the sandwich. Yes, we do have a lot of meat in our fridge. We are meat people, I was raised on meat, and deep fried food. A lot of it, and salt. A lot of meat, oil and salt... no wonder I struggle with nutrition now! As a child I have been served deep fried kabana - with salt for breakfast. My husband kills himself laughing at this but I had no idea that's not what other people were having for breakfast on Saturday mornings. Even as I think about it I must admit I could still go a bit.
I had deep fried cheese once, in a pack from the fish and chip shop. And I don't mean Camembert, which is delicious I might add, I mean cheddar covered in bread crumbs. It was like eating a heart attack. Even I couldn't do it. I have been working very hard to make much smarter food choices, no more deep fried cheese or kabana for me! One Christmas LHT and I both got given deep friers. We are definately foodies, we love to eat but we have to train our taste buds to love fresh delicious yummy food. Having a vegetarian in the family has definately helped in that regard, the indian gf has been teaching us to love vegies. I love zuchinni now!
My brother and his gf have sent me some veg cookbooks - they eat veg. The dishes look so good and so I am planning a shopping list to try a few things out. I have been reading them in the car today and ignorning LHT so he is really getting worried about his meat intake. He looks positively pale when I say that there is not going to be meat with dinner tonight. Ah, to be quite honest, it makes me laugh. His pain is my pleasure - always has been, always will be. That's what I love about our marriage. The other thing I love about him is that no matter what I put down in front of him he always eats it and enjoys it. Therefore, whilst he complains and whinges he also acknowledges the health benefits of eating more vegies and legumes and stuff like that. It's not like I'm not going to give him meat, but telling him I'm not is funny to watch. One mention of it is enough to send him off to the freezer to defrost a steak and cook it up - medium rare. Not me, no blood or I just can't do it. After the steak he might get out a roast and pop that in the oven whilst he cooks up a few snags to munch on in the meantime, quickly making a ham sandwich as the snags sizzle away, grabbing a slice of salami as he makes the sandwich. Yes, we do have a lot of meat in our fridge. We are meat people, I was raised on meat, and deep fried food. A lot of it, and salt. A lot of meat, oil and salt... no wonder I struggle with nutrition now! As a child I have been served deep fried kabana - with salt for breakfast. My husband kills himself laughing at this but I had no idea that's not what other people were having for breakfast on Saturday mornings. Even as I think about it I must admit I could still go a bit.
I had deep fried cheese once, in a pack from the fish and chip shop. And I don't mean Camembert, which is delicious I might add, I mean cheddar covered in bread crumbs. It was like eating a heart attack. Even I couldn't do it. I have been working very hard to make much smarter food choices, no more deep fried cheese or kabana for me! One Christmas LHT and I both got given deep friers. We are definately foodies, we love to eat but we have to train our taste buds to love fresh delicious yummy food. Having a vegetarian in the family has definately helped in that regard, the indian gf has been teaching us to love vegies. I love zuchinni now!
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