After living happily ever after with the Rusty Knight for less than a year the Fairy Princess who was usually quite rotund noticed she was becoming even more so. “Cor, I better stop eating so many donuts,” she thought and even though she did she continued to grow. Until one day the royal physician announced, “You’re knocked up!” When the Rusty Knight heard this he swore to slay the foul beast that had done this to the Fairy Princess, so she held up a mirror and said, "He looks like this!" .The Rusty Knight who was known around the land for his courage and bravery turned white with fear. The royal couple prepared for the birth and many moons later a Pixie Princess was born. Life changed, the Fairy Princess turned into a Wicked Birth Mother after weeks of crying, screaming and spewing and that’s not mentioning what the Pixie Princess was up to. As the tantrums and vomit decreased, and the cuddles, giggles, snot and drool increased, the Pixie Princess’ birthday approached and the Fairy Princess (who was by now no longer wicked) told the Rusty Knight, “We must have a party to celebrate because she is so lovely and wonderful and advanced!” The Rusty Knight knew resistance was futile and dutifully handed over his wallet knowing he would never see it again. The Fairy Princess shopped, chopped, iced, sliced, whirled, twirled, fizzed and whizzed until the party was ready and then the Fairy Princess, the Rusty Knight and the Pixie Princess sat back and had some curry and waited for their guests to arrive.
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