The toilet training is proving to be tiring... but most amusing. Today the Pixie peed on the floor, not once, not twice but THREE times. Each time I had just walked away from her and she went to town, at least the floor got mopped I guess. We made a cake together today, she poured in the mix, added the milk and then I added the egg. We stirred it up together and then put it in the microwave to cook. Five minutes and 30 seconds later and voila, there was our cake. We had to leave it for five minutes before inverting it. In the meantime the Pixie did a poo. (By this time I had had enough of pee on the floor and mopping so she had a nappy on.) I thought I would just pop her onto the loo to finish it off. Sat her down on the little pink toilet seat and then reached between her legs, put her fingers in the poo left on her bottom and before I could stop her and as I was telling her not to... lifted the finger to her mouth and tasted it. I could barely believe what I had seen - I mean I have seen it in dementia patients but the look on her face was absolutely priceless. She started crying straight away and was really not happy about the deed. Straight off to the shower I took her to wash off the residual pee, cakemix, dirt, grime and poo. She was never so keen to let me brush her teeth, poor little girl. God it was so funny.
After I got home from the gym this morning I left her with LHT while I went and had a shower. I got out and here she is coming up the hallway towards me carrying my VERY expensive camera by the LENS CAP!! I called out to LHT that she had the camera and as I walked towards her, wet remember as I had JUST got out of the shower and slipped over in the water I was dripping on the floor and hurt my ankle. Then LHT told me I wouldn't have slipped over if I kept the camera in the case like I am supposed to. Well you can imagine how that went down I am sure, so after a few choice words and a fairly hard thump to his arm he admitted he was quite insensitive - closest thing I get to an apology, lol.
The other day after we had taken the dog for a walk, Macy was back out in the yard and was barking and the Pixie looks in her direction and says, "Stupid dog." My neighbour, My Banrcock Bestie (MBB) and i burst out laughing and she said she had heard me say that to Macy all the time! Which I do because she is SO annoying. Usually the Pixie will give MBB rocks from our garden when she is over but this day she was giving them to MBB's dog Bella. (picture) Bella wasn't really that impressed with the rocks but she did seem to like the pats. The Pixie also asked MBB for the dog lead and held onto it for awhile like she was the king pin. She is being so cute and adorable these days. I am looking forward to showing her off to my family next week.
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