This photo has provided me with endless hours of entertainment. Every time I look at it I laugh, I mean really who, who has this hair? HHML and I googled mullets today and we could not find another with the fully shaved head. I would love to have a pic of it when it was all plaited. Everyone who has come into the house, and I mean EVERYONE, has been blessed with a showing of the Samurai Mullet. My sister says it makes her feel sick to look at his hair, which just cracks me up every time I think about it. Last week I had an Enjo demo, and LHT was coming home for lunch at the same time, HHML and I had the pic sitting on the table ready for him when he came home. He always knows to expect something when he comes home and sees the burgundy magna in the drive way. HHML and I spur each other on. The Enjo demo did not meet expectations, but she did touch the pic and I called her on it, she went a bit red, I don't think she meets many people like me. HHML wanted to draw a dick on the bucket and tell the woman not to worry that Enjo would of course get it off. Childish I know, but funny all the same. The other day HHML and I were sitting in the kitchen having coffee and we were looking at the pic as usual giggling and thinking of things to get up to. I had been through my costume box and thrown out all the crap in there, I did however manage to keep 5 cloaks and a wizard's costume. There is sometimes value in being a hoarder because whilst you might not think so, 5 cloaks and a wizard costume can come in handy when you have a photo like that in the house. We decided to have a "Samurai Fan Club Meeting" and got dressed up, me in a cloak and HHML in the wizard costume. Her son kept asking her, "Mummy why are you dressed up like that?" To which she would reply, "Mummy is not dressed up, she is in her work uniform." After declaring it Samurai Fan Club Recruitment Day (yes, I know so childish but the photo has taken over my mind!) the Excess Sugar Mumma happened to call, she was going to pop in. "Excellent, see I told you it was recruitment day!" said HHML or the messenger of the prophecy as she is known. I am the Samurai Messenger and LHT is the Chosen One. When she came over she popped on a superman costume which HHML drew a samurai mullet on the back of and wrote Samurai with one of those old s's you thought were cool in high school. Our friend we met when we bought our house, Humdinger, had also planned to come for lunch. He popped on a red and black Dracula cloak when he got here and the fan club was ready to greet the Chosen One. It was so funny to see LHT's face when he pulled up on his DR and the four of us were standing out the front wearing the costumes and the photo was on the kitchen table with a candle burning in front of it. ESM is 18 and I am sure she thought we were the most immature people in the world, but by God it was funny. Humdinger turned to me and then to LHT and said, "You are so mean! I mean she's good to you mate, but she is so mean!" I can only defend myself by saying, look up, look at the photo and then you tell me. He deserves a fan club, he deserves to never forget the had that hair. We made a group for him and everything - he is so lucky. (Note my pj pants - part of my uniform, very sexy.)
Yesterday when he came home for lunch, HHML said to me, "Let's just do nothing, just say nothing about it..." So we did, and about 15 minutes into lunch LHT said to me, "What are you up to?" See, he is suspicious just because we do nothing now, he is walking on egg shells, his nerves are frayed. He was complaining to me that we had no milk after he had only bought some, blah, blah, blah. I had important coffee to drink. I said we had plenty of milk and pointed to my breast. He said, "Is it chocolate?" I opened the cupboard and grabbed the shaker I use for choc on top of caps and tipped some on my boob and said, "It is now!"
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