Friday, March 28, 2008

What problems a big bottom can create.

So the other day I locked the kid in the car... most awful thing to happen. She was fine, just looking around at everyone looking in at her and wondering why we didn't get her out. I was getting her out to put her in the trolley and as I stood up to bring the trolley closer I knocked the car door shut with my giant arse. The RACQ came, along with an ambulance and a fire truck with sirens blaring. Believe me the car window was about to be smashed but the RACQ guy flipped my clicker over and pushed the button. He is an angel. My lovely daughter was stuck in my midnight blue car for 15 minutes because my butt is so giant it is out of control. It has a mind of its own!

Therefore the time has come... I must lose weight. For my health... and for the safety of my child. What to do, what to do though. How do I lose 50 odd kilos? Do I spend $440 and join my local gym? Do I brave the cold water and swim around in a circle in my above ground pool, creating and possibly drowning in a whirlpool? Do I walk around the field across the road with my daughter in the pram? Do I use my daughter as a weight? Do I make good use of my exercise bike? What do I change about my diet? How do I change a lifetime of bad habits in order to show my child what is right?

Easter has come and gone now and left behind a chocolate path of destruction in its wake. There are easter egg wrappers around from the kids and a shelf full of chocolate in the fridge, most of it for the kid who won't see any of it because she is only 7 months old. My M-I-L spoilt us and gave me some Lindt dark chocolate balls, drool. I haven't eaten them all but that's mostly because I've been eating rocky road and red tulip bunny. MMM but I know it's going straight to my butt, enlarging it to gargantuan proportions. At least it doesn't stick out as well. Not that there's any hiding it...

I have made it a rule that I do not buy junk food, and that all our meals are home cooked and they're all healthy. I can feel the effects of not putting so much crap into my body, it's starting to feel really good. And I was so dedicated to my walking and then to my exercise bike but I have lost motivation and I don't know how to get it back. I think it's just something you need to approach day by day.

Here are my goals for tomorrow:

1. Don't eat any junk food. Eat only healty food.
2. Do 30 minutes of exercise.

Wish me luck on that, it's hard to break bad habits.


Sandie Elsom said...

Okay, I am with you. I commit to losing weight with you. Before my butt starts operating the car independently as well.

3Harpers said...

YOu have done so well already, your stomach is flatter now than it was before you had Trixi!

But I fully support your butt-loss efforts and really must get back to it myself one day. I have heaps of good Weight Watchers recipes if youre interested.

Love Lynda

3Harpers said...

PS I do still love to read your writing!