Saturday, March 29, 2008

Goals? What Goals??

Um, so I have totally failed in both my goals today. I have eaten chocolate and I did not exercise. I did push the pram around the shops for 2 hours so surely that must count for at least one lindt ball? Oh well, I'll try again for tomorrow.

I think I may be a little bit addicted to shopping, I mean you can be addicted to anything right and I am pretty sure shopping is a biggie. Next week I am not going shopping... well maybe once when my niece gets here. And I'll probably need some groceries. So just once really if I do it all in the one day. But that's it. I swear. Mind you with the hubby, affectionately known as Lifts Heavy Things, after a new motorbike, "You know the KTM is my dream bike that I love and adore and I would love and adore you if you let me get one," maybe it's okay for me to shop.

Okay so the goals are now reset for tomorrow. Now I have to go to bed before I eat more lindt balls. mmmm

I have just seen that the matriach has committed to this as well. Okay now I have to do it.

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