Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bruised Shin

Took the bike back over the the oval today and not only did I manage to take off by myself, I also managed to get to second gear! First go I took off by myself with LHT verbally helping me let the clutch out and I was off! I sped round the oval for a bit and then I thought I'd better investigate how to get to second so I didn't blow my motor up. I came in, popped the bike back into neutral and had a quick practice of going to second. I took off again and as I pulled in the clutch I bunny hopped a bit, squealed and let it back out, I nearly stalled but managed to hang on. I went in a circle the other way and then cut a few figure eights, very very big ones. At one point I called out to our neighbour and he waved, I forgot for a moment and put my right hand up to wave to him and realised I really needed to keep my hand on the accelorator I would stall and probably fall off! I stalled the bike in the middle of the field and LHT and the pixie in the pram made their way over. Sometimes I can start my bike and sometimes I can't. It's a bit tricky. So he started it and I took off straight into a large pothole... quite an adventure, I came up off the seat. LHT was killing himself laughing. There was this one time (at band camp) when I tried to turn left and I found I just couldn't, I had to go right, and I realised I was like Zoolander... trouble turning left. I was trying to start the bike and Daz said to me, "Make sure you take your foot off the kick start or it will come back and hit you in the leg... like that." I have a very lovely bruise coming up on my right shin now, but I started the bike. It is really good exercise and very very fun. Yes Sandelicious, get your learner's and come and have a go.

Rang Julia Gulia this morning and told her I was on my way. We did the lap that the FM and I usually do and then celebrated with a cappacino. Did some good frothing today, skim milk makes very good foam. The Tugmaster had come over the other day when I was doing caps and I offered him one which he declined but LHT said yes, it took me about 25 minutes to finally get the cap out to LHT because I was stuffing around. He called this morning and as LHT was speaking to him I was doing my usual, "Ooh, he loves you, you're his boyfriend," etc etc which his wife, Anything He Can Do, I Can do Better and I love to do, he said, "Tell her to shut up and get the coffee on, it'll take her that long!" Which is true it did take me that long, but in my defence he was only about 10 minutes and I did do freshly ground coffee beans. After he drank it though he had to admit that it was pretty good and whilst I might be slow, it's worth the wait.

Anything He Can Do, I Can do Better (Ahcdicdb) is a nurse as well, she makes me laugh so much. We used to work together before I quit to be a sah mum and when The Tugmaster bought himself a DR650 it was them that put the pressure on me and persuaded me to buy one for LHT. The Tugmaster did the deal for me and so they have matching bikes, and remember G-Dog also has a matching bike. So the three of them are very cute together and us girls have made Brokeback Mountain jokes from the start. So when they all went away together for their first trip Ahcdicdb packed the Tugmaster KY jelly, suppositories, other bowel medication, all the necessities for a happy Brokeback weekend away.

Yesterday I did go down to the bike shop and LHT bought me some pink gloves, some pink goggles and a black and silver helmet, which I'm going to sand back and paint pink because they had some pink ones but not ones I really liked. They gave us a discount which shows you how often LHT is down there and how much he spends!! The finance lady there just loves the Pixie and she fussed over her until we left, she is lovely. I asked the bike shop guy if I could please have a helmet that matched LHT's so I could show up on my bike to where he is out riding with the boys and whine for him to wait, cry and then give him his lunch in a Barbie lunchbox, or perhaps just stand on the sidelines holding my bike making engine noises until he finally cracks and takes me home where I'll make him watch Oprah. Such a lucky man.

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