Thursday, June 5, 2008

Another break in...

June 3 sure was an eventful day, I had forgotten until now that we had again been locked out that day. Yes... despite having keys to all the doors we were again locked out of the house. LHT had taken his house keys off to ride his bike to work and I had left mine inside thinking he had his. Luckily the lounge room windows were open and since I was feeling sporty in my new shoes I volunteered to go in. Volunteered, more like pushed LHT aside to get in the window in an effort to prove I could do it after FM got in the window on the night of the reject party. So I stood on the bin in my new NB shoes and LHT gave me a boost and I was in, past the speakers and the exercise bike and I was in! I was so happy, and she was proud when I told her tonight.

The Pixie had her swimming lesson today and her teacher had a tunnel in the pool for the kids to crawl through. The Pixie who can crawl as quick as can be to me on the toilet to stand and hang onto my knees while I pee, the Pixie who can crawl as quick as can be at the offer of a pink bowl or a spoon, the pixie who can crawl as quick as can be to touch all the things she shouldn't touch just sat there at the start of the tunnel and grinned at me. Eventually I just dragged her through! I felt better when the other kid in the class wouldn't crawl through either though.

1 comment:

She with Flair said...

Hey goodlooking, you are a crack up you have made me laugh, then cry and laugh some more!!!! Love your guts