Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not so yummy.

Last night FM and G-Dog came over for dinner, which was delicious by the way, we had spicy chorizo and pumpkin couscous. Very good. Since FM is about to have a milestone birthday we were looking at cupcakes online and becoming inspired decided to have a go at making some marzipan flowers since I had some left over from the Pixie's birthday. It is not as easy as you might think to make flowers from marzipan but we did end up with a quite impressive bowl of fruit and veg. We were making icing to help stick the bits together and I was complaning that the icing sugar was taking a lot of water and hard to stir and FM agreed whole heartedly until she looked over and saw I had a fairly smooth paste and she had lumps. It was as I told her to add some more lemon juice that I saw what the bag in front of me said... corn flour. MMM I had dusted the tupperware mat with it too thinking it was icing sugar and the marzipan was covered in it. We were laughing so hard. FM went outside to tell the boys who were sitting holding hands (okay not really) by the fire but I said later she shouldn't have because we could have tricked them into eating it.

My baby is sick today, she has had a temperature and has been vomiting. LHT took her out to the park this morning where she vomited all over herself in the back of the car but would not relinquish her regular saturday morning pizza that her father buys her from the bakery. Despite the fact that she was covered in vomit she still insisted that he take her for a walk to look at the ducks before vomiting into his hand. Lucky daddy. I am so glad that wasn't me, I am not terribly good with vomit. Yes I know being a nurse you'd think I'd be okay by now but I'm not. LHT loves to tease me about how watching Fat Bastard drink a stool sample in Austin Powers made me throw up once.

Her being sick all day and wanting to either sleep or lay in my arms has given me a chance to watch the Dr Who dvd's I got out. I am totally in love with the current Doctor - David Tennant. I am dropping lots of hints about him buying me the whole series for christmas (67 days away). He is on night duty on christmas day so the Pixie and I will have to play with the Barbie Quad bike by ourselves! I will also have to eat all the ham. (That is almost his worst nightmare, it would only be worse if I ate all the prawns as well so luckily for him I don't eat seafood.)

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