Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Fairytale that my siblings wrote for our wedding invitations.

Once upon a time in a forest on the north side, lived a fairy princess. She wasn't what you might usually expect a fairy princess to be. She was a little bit rounder and a little bit bolder and MUCH MUCH louder than fairy princesses are typically perceived but she was 100% fairy and quite a bit of a princess as well.

One day the fairy princess decided that the time had come for her to find herself a handsome prince, so she climbed into her little white Daihatsu Chariot and off she went. She hadn't got very far when she heard a "clunk... clunk... clunk..." coming from one of the rear tyres.

"Oh bother," said the princess (or something like that). "I must have a flat tyre. Oh no, what will I do now?" But before the princess even had time to whip out her mobile phone to call the RACQ up came a rather shabby looking knight. His armour was rusted, his head surprisingly large and he was riding on a very large dog.

"Can I help yer?" he asked most graciously. The princess explained the situation. In a trice the rusty knight had the tyre off and a new tyre on. He looked up at her as he kneeled by the car. A small blue butterfly had landed on yhe back of the car and he scooped it up and handed it to the princess. As she took the butterfly she studied the knight. He was well built and he looked like he would be very good at lifting heavy things. The knight stood up, dusted off his knee pads and said, "Guess you better get on your way to find your hansome Prince then."
"I've already found him," said the Princess. And off they went together - the Princess in her little white car, the rusty knight on his dog and they drove off into the sunset.

The Beginning...

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